Memorial Garden
VIP Garden

90% of all proceeds from merchandise sold on this site will go directly to the SLI Benoit Family Fund for Brain Injury Research. The other 10% goes torwards shipping and handling and to keep this site running.
All merchandise on these pages were made and or donated by Melony Nelson, Martine Gerber and Autumn Moryn.
Prices include shipping and handling. And when we mail in your donation your name and email, if provided, will be placed on a card and included with our check.

For only a dollar ($1.00 US) purchase an icon to leave in the Memorial Garden. Choose from flowers, candles, balloons, crosses and more. You can pay using Paypal, cash or money order. Please allow enough time to receive your payment before your icon is posted in the garden.

Click here to see our selection.

Silver Package
The silver package is one fourth of a page on this website that you can purchase which includes one large or two smaller graphic(s) or picture(s) of your choosing. It also includes your name, email, and a message, poem or verse. This package can be purchased for 10.00 a year. There are 20 of these packages available.

Gold Package
The Gold package can be purchased for 20.00 a year and includes a half a page layout on this site. You can customize your page with pictures, graphics, poems and etc. You will also receive a free gift.
Only 10 of these packages are available.

Platinum Package
This is our most exclusive package and only 5 are available for purchase. The platinum package is $30.00 a year and includes a full page on this site. You can add pictures, poems, essays, etc. You also receive a free "thank you" gift.

Please pay for your icon and then fill out the form below with the information that you want included in the garden with your icon.

Icon choice
Icon Price

In Loving Memory of Christopher Michael Benoit 1967-2007